Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Post 7 -- Merry X-mas to you... and ME! I'm buying a vibratorrrr

Ok so I'm going to go against the grain here and not make a post about OkC or dating websites for a second because this is my blog and I do what I want. FIRST OFF HAPPY FUCKING CHRISTMAS, or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate. Enjoy it, enjoy it lots. I'm on call, but I got to spend yesterday with my sister, brother in law and their kids and that's all that matters, plus this morning.

I'm back in Leland to be on call. Which should be a relaxing evening with John watching some movies and giggling. ANYWAY

I decided for myself this Christmas that I was going to buy a new sex toy. I'm tired of my vibrator so I said, "Meh, spend 50 bucks on yourself whatever" I'm not sure if buying a vibrator is what Jesus would have wanted me to do, but whatever. I'm not religious so it doesn't matter. I take that back, it does matter! Let me take a minute here:

Thank you baby Jesus for being born or else I wouldn't have had an excuse to buy myself a sex toy. Now I can have sex with myself instead of bar douches. You've probably saved me from getting an incurable disease.

Ok now that's out of the way

It literally took me an hour and a half to make a decision. I'm perplexed though. I ordered off of Adam & Eve's website. I wanted the free shipping so I ordered a few things and they also threw in a gift if you spend more than 29 bucks (weird number) so I went with the waterproof pocket rocket. (Why not I can use it when I'm driving or something)...

When I went to check out they also gave me an option for a "mystery toy" so OF COURSE I clicked yes. When I get my order in about a week I can't WAIT TO TELL YOU WHAT IT IS! Reading online some people got some weird ass shit. This one guy got a huge glass butt plug and another lady ended up getting like a huge double ended dildo. Obviously things MOST people would never use. I've decided if I get any of those things they might have to go on the mantle. Just sayin'

Just as a teaser I will be writing about OkC and FELONS in my next post. Which will probably be tomorrow evening. I'm still compiling all the details. Woo.

Much love

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