Friday, July 20, 2012

Post 5 -- I'm a slacker and a FEMALE PROFILE DISSECTION!

I know I know it's been awhile since I've written. Between starting the new job and the move I haven't had much time to sit down on the computer. Since I just finished paying bills (about 3000 dollars later) I decided it was time to scrounge some gems up.

Luckily I was in downtown Wilmington last night and received a message on my phone from JoeInWilm who directed me to a gem of a profile. Now I didn't read it yet even so this is going to be the fly by the seat of my pants dissection. The only reason why it's happening? He mentioned an interesting photo which I'll get to later. (OH THE SUSPENSE!!!)

Everybody put your hands together for MamatobeFeb8!!!

When I first looked at the intro photo I was a little confused. Mannish to say the least regardless I wanted to save the photos for last. Age 22... Ok not so bad to be having a child... maybe it's her first one... maybe it's EXCITING... boy was I wrong. Traveling down to the self summary I just had a face drop moment.

Mind you this is the longest bit in her profile. Let's see here... List o clock...

Let me list the red flags:
  1. She's pregnant with another kid and has two kids she already doesn't see
  2. What does my baby has a father but not a daddy mean? Isn't that the same thing? Sperm donor? Whoops I fucked some random dude and decided not to use birth control even though I already have two kids I can't support? *shakes head*
  3. Going through a divorce, gee I wouldn't have guessed that one
  4. She likes to flirt and tease? I think someone should edit that to "I like to suck and fuck" clearly this chic has some issues ...
  5. She goes on about how you aren't obligated to message her, well hunnie I have some news. With all of that baggage listed on your profile I don't think you'll be getting very far. Clearly you failed at being a single mother twice so I don't understand what is going to be so different from the first two failures.

Ok I'm probably being a little harsh right now but I mean let's get serious here. Clearly this chic shouldn't be on a dating site let alone allowed to reproduce. A bit of a touchy subject for myself considering there are so many people out there who can't create life and then we have people like this who pop out children like it's going out of style. Then the kids turn out even more fucked up that their parents and they do the same thing! Talk about a vicious cycle. Ok enough ranting about that

The rest of her profile was kind of drab. The point being if you're going to be on a dating website you need to be honest but geez louise. If I was a dude reading this profile I would be like RUN RUN NOWWWWW.

First things people notice:

Wow she's preggo... her titties not a surprise... or her eyes!? Weird combo I'd say...

HAS KIDS AND WANTS MORE!? You couldn't even take care of 2, you have a 3rd on the way and YOU WANT MORE. This is why the world is full of a bunch of broke ass people living off of welfare but still walking around with smartphones and ugg boots... Was that a little racist, a little mean??? I don't give a shit... use some fucking birth control... and don't get on a dating website if you're squeezing kids out left and right... clearly you just want a sperm donor...

Now here's the kicker. Dating website and I go to look at her photos...

If anyone sends her a message I would be super surprised... I have no words... Enjoy that kiddos. I'm really thinking once I get a new laptop I'm going to be vlogging because this is so much effort. Comments are appreciated.

Much Love


  1. What. The. Fuck?

    Preggers test picture aside, she lives below the poverty line, dropped out of high school, doesn't see the two kids she already has, is having a third, and WANTS MORE.

    What. Just... what.
